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Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Marriage is the most important decision of our life which decides our future and progress. In Indian culture especially in Hindu, Marriage is considered extremely pious and sacred union of two individual souls who start their journey of life together.
According to Vedic astrology, the positions of stars of both the life partners (bride and groom) exert influence to each other and also decide their destiny and future. So, it is very significant to analyze their stars compatibility and kundli matching perfectly and flawlessly before tying the nuptial knots so that they can enjoy a life long, harmonious, happy and balanced married life.
Our Kundli matching services utilize the best ancient Vedic astrology methodologies to test the compatibilities of boy and girl. Our Kundli matching service follows all Vedic astrology traditional and advanced norms and factors. Kundli is matched on the basis of several factors and some of them are:
Varan - compatibility of their mind set
Vasya – Power compatibility testing
Tara - Birth star compatibility
Yoni - Intimate physical compatibility
Grah Maitri – planetary compatibility
Gan - compatibility of interest and nature
Bhakoot - moon sign compatibility
Nadi – compatibility between life force


Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Here the analysis is carried out in a number of ways. Fore most your mental and analytical capability is read and the Dasha and Gochar you are running. A careful study on the profession you can eventually choose is also read than it is amalgamated with your personality than the extent of education can be correctly forecasted. I will guide you through the most effective Vedic remedial measures which can lessen if not eradicate the problems you are facing or you are suppose to encounter. You will get a step by step remedial methodology which can be adopted by you easily in your daily routine. You will also get your detailed report for the next five years and your detailed birth chart. The reading for education is done for four different types that are:-
1. Your complete educational capability.
2. The subjects to choose in class 11.
3. The subjects to choose in Graduation.
4. The subjects to choose for competitive exams.

Fundamental Astrology

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

This course is available through distance learning or through part timecontact classes at Noida office.The duration of the course is Six Months. The student who completes this course is awarded with a Diploma in Fundamental Astrology and student becomes will versed with the different fundamental techniques ofIndian Vedic Astrology.
The Education in the distance course is achieved through regular tutorials given by means of post/web and holding regular tests for the tutorials already given. Workshops are also arranged for doubt clearing and better understanding.
The part time classes are held on every Saturday and Sunday where in the courses are taken up by eminent faculty of Astrology here also Diploma fundamental Astrolgy is awardes after completing the course and passing the Exams held at the end of Six Months.


Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Janampatrika is a map that shows your personality, strengths, weaknesses, hidden traits, skills, auspicious time period, favorable and unfavorable aspects as per your planets position. Therefore Janampatrika always helps you and plays a vital role when you are moving forward for getting success in life. It shows your potential and favorable time and also protects you from unfavorable time. So Janampatrika can show you a way that helps you to achieve name, fame and success in life and what you wish in life.
Aapki kismat always uses deep and rigorous analysis and advanced astrological tools for making Janampatrika that provides very significant information about you and your future. Aapki kismat is offering you a Janampatrika which is worth Rs 1500, absolutely free. This Janampatrika will provide you details about your planets position, moon chart, lagna chart, navamsa chart, significators and ruling planets and other important information and aspects regarding you.
You can get your Janampatrika file by call us on “9999113366, 9871723500, 8527779222" or mail at
Here you get your horoscope which has the following description of your birth:
1. Panchang at the time of your Birth
2. Avakadaha Chakra
3. Ghatak
4. Vishottri Dasha
5. Vishottri Dasha Sub-Sub Period
6. Details of your Planets Position
7. Details of Your Constellation Position
8. Lagna Chart
9. Moon Chart
10. Navamsa Chart
11. Asthakvarga Tables
12. Chalit Horoscope & Niryana Bhava Chalit
13. Tara Chakra
14. Karka, Avastha Rashmi
15. K P System Horoscope
16. Significators and Ruling Planets
17. Shodashvarga Table
18. Sadhabala & Bhavbals Tables

Dating and success

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

The love birds cannot remain far behind as astrology has precise tools, which can be depict the future of dating and the success related to it. You can get good astrological solutions if any of the questions relating to dating is nagging you:-
· Will the girl / boy I love become my Date
· Will my Date marry me
· I am tired of my Date how can I leave him / her
· Shall my love affair be successful
· My Dates often ditch me, how to overcome this
.· Me and my date are planning to get married, will it be successful
· Is it economically viable to get married to my Date
These are mere indications of the length and breadth of the questions you can ask relating to your date and its success.


Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Here the analysis is carried out in a number of ways. Fore most your mental and analytical capability is read and the Dasha and Gochar you are running. A careful study on the profession you can eventually choose is also read than it is amalgamated with your personality than the extent of education can be correctly forecasted. I will guide you through the most effective Vedic remedial measures which can lessen if not eradicate the problems you are facing or you are suppose to encounter. You will get a step by step remedial methodology which can be adopted by you easily in your daily routine. You will also get your detailed report for the next five years and your detailed birth chart. The reading for education is done for four different types that are:-
1. Your complete educational capability.
2. The subjects to choose in class 11.
3. The subjects to choose in Graduation.
4. The subjects to choose for competitive exams.


Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Find the most auspicious moment for Marriage ceremony.
It should be known that nice beginning of any activity means most of the work done. So know that when and in what constellation it will be most beneficial to start this activity.
You will be provided with a number of dates within the time range chosen by you and the percentage with comparison of each date shall be provided so that you can choose the best and most suitable.

Health and personality

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

What comes foremost? It is the health. It is quite rightly said that:

“He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.”

Astrology can be an effective tool in analysing the future health of the individual. The placement of the planets in ones horoscope and the Dasha (Period) system give enough indication about the health of the individual. This when combined with the other divisional chart gives good indications about the health patterns of today and future.

The areas where the individual can suffer on account of health and the likely period when a particular disease can surface can be effectively predicted.

This can help an individual in keeping good health.
Allow me to analyze your health and personality through the various tools available with the ancient Vedic Astrology. Here I will analyze your present and future health and the medical problems you can face in the times to come. I will guide you through the most effective Vedic remedial measures which can lessen if not eradicate the problems you are suppose to encounter. You will get a step by step remedial methodology which can be adopted by you easily in your daily routine. You will also get your detailed report for the next five years and your detailed birth chart.


Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Rahu is considered a greater malefic than Ketu and thus is seen as the most malefic influence in a chart. There is a sort of fear psychosis attached to the interpretation of the nodes especially among the orthodox Vedic astrologers.
One of the reasons for this is that nodes were seen to represent influences, which were not considered proper in the Middle Age’s society and culture. For example they are supposed to bring foreign influences into one’s life, which was seen as a sort of corruption of one’s soul, as all foreigners were looked down upon as outcastes. This was in all probability done to maintain racial genetic purity. Nowadays, since things like foreign travel and foreign influences have become an accepted norm in urban India at least, the more progressive Vedic astrologers are beginning to see the nodes in a different light.
One important rule in Vedic astrology is that a natural malefic can function as a temporary benefic in a chart depending upon its placement and house ownership. Rahu should, like Saturn be seen to work in a benefic way in some cases. He is supposed to pervert or distort the energy of the planet he is associated with by aspect or conjunction. The major period and transits of Rahu are all seen to be troublesome in one way or the other.
Ketu is seen as a natural malefic with a nature similar to that of Mars. He is thus considered a lesser malefic and is seen as a more spiritual planet than Rahu, but he is often considered a bigger hurdle as far as material success is concerned. Rahu is supposed to give material success in some cases but often without inner contentment. Together they are seen to be the cause behind most of the psychological disorders, attraction towards the lower dark side of life, incurable diseases, and possession by negative entities, sudden negative events etc.
The original understanding about Rahu and Ketu as expounded by the ancient seers like Parashara and Jaimini is quite vast and also different in the sense that the positive sides to the nodes are also included. According to them, Rahu represents knowledge and Ketu liberation thus making the nodes the most influential forces in human life. In their works the nodes are not always the villains they are made out to be and can give good or bad results depending upon their placement.
Since the Vedic system does not usually incorporate the outer planets in its analysis, most of the influences pertaining to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are assigned to the nodes. Rahu is seen as a sort of Uranus and Neptune combined. It is supposed to carry the illusionary, imaginative, hallucinogenic, dissolving, and disintegrating influence of Neptune as it is the planet representing Maya (illusory quality of nature). It is also seen as an eccentric, creative, disruptive, individualizing and revolutionary force that Uranus embodies in the Western system.
Ketu is regarded as a psychic, willful, detaching, penetrating, manipulative, and catastrophic force much in the same way as Pluto is seen in the Western system.
Besides assigning them co-rulership of signs, the Vedic system of astrology or Jyotish assigns rulership of Nakshatras to the nodes. The use of the 27 celestial asterisms spanning the same 360˚ as the constellations is a specialty of Jyotish, as they are not used in Western astrology. This assigning is very important. Besides giving the nodes a cosmological perspective, it is helpful in determining their rulership, exaltation and
debilitation, and deciphering their exoteric and numerological significance.
See for yourself what Rahu and Ketu hare to say in your chart.

Live-in relationship

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

All though this subject may be new to the world but ancient Vedic Astrology is sufficiently empowered to deal with this issue in which two people decide to live together on a long term or permanent basis in an emotionally and / or sexually intimate relationship, not amounting to marriage. Different issues pertaining to this can be effectively answered reading your birth chart. The different issues which can trouble and individual can be:-
· When to move in for this type of relationship
· Compatibility with the partner
· Whether to get married with the live-in partner or not?
· Duration of time to be put in the living together agreement?
· Whether to break off or take couple education classes
· Whose home to choose
These are mere indications of the length and breadth of the questions you can ask relating to live-in relationship problems.

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